Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Gotta Catch 'Em All...Roman Style

(A shout out to Abby for setting me on this expedition!)

In Rome, there are 13 obelisks that were created in Egypt and then moved to Rome at some point. Some before the birth of Christ.

At first, I wasn't planning on finding them all, but after finding almost half purely by being lost all the time, I figured I might as well collect them all.

The first one was on the first day in Piazza Navona when I got terrifyingly lost.

Piazza Navona

I then found three. One while walking randomly around, the other two when my teacher took the class out for a walk around Rome.

Piazza del Quirinale

Piazza di Montecitorio
Piazza della Rotonda
In front of the Pantheon
I found the next two while trying to find the Trevi Fountain. What should have taken 10 minutes tops took an hour and a half.

Trinita dei Monti
In front of the Spanish Steps
Piazza della Minerva
the elephant base was created by Bernini

I found the one in Piazza San Petro when the class went for a tour of the Vatican

Since I found seven in less than 5 days, I decided to go out and search for some.

Piazza dell'Esquilino
Piazza del Popolo
Just before I got scammed

The next one I found while showing one of my friends, who had not done much sightseeing, around Rome.

Pinician Hill
Inside the Villa Borghese Gardens

The final three was a grand adventure. A friend and I first went inside the Colosseum and then ran around Rome until 10:30 at night. Gets kind of sketchy. Good thing I had a flashlight (thanks Abby!)

Piazza di San Giovanni in Laterano
Tallest obelisk in Rome standing at 150 ft. tall
Villa Celimontana
Some old villa in Rome...lots of mosquitoes

Baths of Diocletian
with thug Roman teenagers sitting at the base

And there you have it. Thirteen Egyptian obelisks!

Now what...

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